Friday, July 12, 2013

What if the Natives of Skull Island, ruled over by the Soul of Kong, simply wanted to get rid of Carl Denham and his film crew and so created giant monster puppets and costumes from skins and shells and bones to frighten them away? Johnny loved this concept and it fit in with the rustic setting of OAK ACRES and the style of performance that HIP POCKET had become known for. Once I had my inspiration, the drawings poured forth and went on their journey south for approval. The birth of the show that would become KING KONG.

The main platform that already existed at OAK ACRES would be modified with a second, higher level. The Kong Head, much simplified would swing down within this new structure for his big entrance ( the "cave" motif still being used). And...the new look for the Dinosaurs began to take shape. Here, the Brontosaurus, held aloft on poles much the same as a Chinese Dragon.

I had envisioned a revolving platform which would turn into a Kong Hand on the lower platform, but this was ultimately not included and in fact not needed in the final production.

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