Friday, July 12, 2013

KING KONG was an enormous success for HIP POCKET THEATRE. I came down from Kansas for a couple of weeks to oversee the set constuction and the puppets and then had to go back, but I did get to see the show in rehearsal and the Grand Opening Night Performance. It was truly magical.

Here is a very funny flyer which Johnny put together  and which was mailed out to all the lucky HIP POCKET season ticket holders in advance of the show.

Next, The Program from the show listing all the talented people it took to mount KING KONG.

And Lastly, two reviews from Perry Stewart and Elston Brooks of the Fort Worth Star Telegram. Who WOULDN'T want to see this show after all that, huh?

 Full Houses for every performance!

I hope you've enjoyed this look at how a production gets done. I've got much more to share in future posts.

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