Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I offer into evidence this 11 page letter which arrived at my doorstep sometime after the start of 1981. This is how Johnny and I worked in those days before texts and tweets and such. We sent packages stuffed with ideas back and forth over the miles until we had hammered out a workable concept for the next big show we would produce. In this case our follow up to WAR OF THE WORLDS would be KING KONG!

Johnny's idea was simple and yet profoundly unique and effective: GROVER COULSON in loincloth would play the "Soul" of Kong, making his entrance through a Giant Kong Head (of some sort...this was up to me). ELLEN MAHONEY would play Anne Darrow. There would be Puppets Big & Small. He doesn't have to ask me what I think about any of this or even if it's possible. I know up front that it's up to me to Make it Possible.

The most important part of the letter is on the next to the last page:
 "Entire Script is taken directly from film. All dialogue is from film. No music such as songs. Maybe even use the soundtrack on tape. NO CAMP. Really do it sincerely. As we did Tarzan."

And We're OFF! Another Show!  This letter has never been seen by anyone but me until now. I thought it would be important to show just how one of these things got started.

My response in my next post.....

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