Monday, July 15, 2013

The top photo is one RAY MOORE took of the Toby Dog puppet from the PUNCH & JUDY GONG SHOW. You can see my original color rendering in the background. There was also a Dragon in this version which I'm posing with here back in the Kansas workshop. As I remember after Mr. Punch has "Gonged" all the other characters, including the DEVIL...this huge Dragon crept up on him and taking the puppet in it's mouth carries him off to end the show. BOB MUNSON and I wrote the 15 minute GONG SHOW and we created a taped version using local actors for the voices. The puppeteers played the showtape and performed to it. DAVID TROTTER was a technical whiz...he could do anything with electronics, lighting, whatever...I learned so much form both of these great entertainers during my time at TROTTER BROTHERS.

Coming up I thought I would compare this Punch & Judy with another set I designed and built for Sharon Benge and SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK in Fort Worth, Texas 5 years later.

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