Monday, July 22, 2013

The relationship between the King of the Fairies OBERON and his servant PUCK ( also called ROBIN GOODFELLOW) is at the heart of this play and seems to be Shakespeare's main interest. A similar relationship forms the center of his TEMPEST. The mistaken identities of the Lovers and the low comedy of the "Mechanicals" or guildsmen form the action and popular entertainment of the piece, but the best lines go to these two characters.

Unfortunately my design for OBERON has gone missing. These two photos of BILL HUDSON in costume are all I have now. I can see that my lightly clothed concept for the other actors doesn't work for this character. I would do it differently today ( it Was a hot summer and the actors seemed to enjoy the cool freedom, though).

My initial design for PUCK here played by DON CARR made it all the way to first dress rehearsal before we all decided that it just wasn't working. Too heavy, too much...especially the wig! The next day I hurriedly tye-dyed some tights and reworked the "snake" into something more vine-like. He wore his own hair with a simple headband of flowers...and success!

I have had lots of good ideas in my career to off-set the few really Bad ones! We live and we learn...

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