Monday, July 22, 2013

Once the problem of the lovers was worked out I could concentrate on the Fairies which are always the most fun. MARTA CAULFIELD was our Titania. She is one of those wonderful actors who are not only lovely to look at but also lovely to work with. They are too few and far between... My design for her costume again incorporated a nude bathing suit underneath ( at one point in the play  she even took a nude swim in the tank onstage) and the elaborate winged headress fitted into her hair. That is her actual hair, not a wig. I was amused when I saw these designs again that the original fabric swatches were still pinned to the drawings and that I had even plotted the actors makeup on them.

The stage lights reflecting off the water in the tank really added an air of fantasy to the scenes set in the wood. As in Shakespeare's day the scenery used consisted mainly of props and banners, alowing the architecture of the Theatre itself to represent the World in which the play takes place. This is fine for the Histories, Tragedies and most of the Comedies...but for THE DREAM you need something just a bit more ethereal. It puts extra pressure on the Costume designer to deliver and i felt it on this first show of mine for the GLOBE. GREG WURTZ was a master technician and we worked well together on this and the others we designed.

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