Monday, July 15, 2013

My main focus at StoryTown that season was the installation of a Punch & Judy Show, to run every 30 minutes in this tower at the intersection of the main streets in the International Village.

The owners wanted a Punch & Judy Show...but without any Violence. Since P & J is all about Violence I was stuck with how to make this work. The Gong Show was popular on TV back then and it struck me that this might be a way out of the problem. So instead of whacking all the other puppets over the head Mr. Punch held a big foam rubber mallet and struck a silver gong hanging in the back of the tower booth. The other puppets sort of vibrated and sank away. Stupid, YES...but the kids LOVED it!

They were still working on this section of the Village and after I took these shots I realized that the Gong needed to be moved up about 5 inches for sightlines. My designs and photos of the beautiful puppets made for this PUNCH & JUDY GONG SHOW will follow.

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