Friday, July 19, 2013

These Three central panels revolved. Act One the colorful Lautrec Circus scene and for Act Two Van Gogh's NIGHT CAFE in much more somber tones as the play delves into the difficult relationship between the two artists.

These were much more detailed than the outer panels and took very much longer to paint. I was trying to be as close as possible to the original works. The Lautrec scene was again very colorful and gay and not so difficult to reproduce ( this is actually taken from two different posters he made).

The Van Gogh scene however was a nightmare to get right as his color pallette was extremely morose. I think I spent two weeks alone on these panels ( I began them when the season started in May  so that the set would be ready on time) and I really began to understand something of Van Gogh's depression and isolation as I worked. Footlight units were used on these panels at center stage during the show so that the scenes stood out from the rest of the set. I'm really very proud of the way this looked in finished form.

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