The upper doodlings here were some that I did for myself while trying to figure out just how to stage this story effectively, along with a postcard, which I believe Johnny had given me for "inspiration".
At the bottom is my design for GORT the robot policeman. An actor in lower aluminium colored boots and "legs" with a dimensional Torso supported on his shoulders and his upper body all in black. The free turning head of the robot would have been attached to a helmet on the actors own head and electrified in some way that I usually left up to RICHARD HILL to figure out since he was a genius at those things. The arms would be puppet arms with manipulatable fingers controlled with rods by the actor himself or possibly by two other's in black. A lot depended on how maneuverable GORT could be in the space since he had a big part in the story.
The HIP POCKET eventually did produce my script almost a decade later, but I had nothing to do with that production and my designs were'nt utilized.