Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Cinefex Films 1971 - 1974

Some memories about those High School Filmmaking years:

I met MARK EVAN WALKER in Middle School ( McLean in Fort Worth, Texas) in 1969. I was Editor of the school newspaper and Mark was a Contributing Artist. His comic strip was called "DUCK TRACY" and  HE was the most interesting individual I had ever met.

I often tell people that I was a "dull thud" as a student...just no real personality or individuality to me in those days. That all changed the day I met Mr. Walker. He drew out the Inate Creativity lurking  within me and I like to think that I offered him the Creative Force of my ideas which led us both ( along with our mutual friend MICHAEL BOYD and so many others we encountered and encouraged along the way...) into the filmmaking experience which would produce the 5 Cinefex Films ( our name for the production company we created).

 all made between the Summer of 1971 and the Summer of 1974... and shot on 8mm & Super8mm film with the two cameras pictured above. The 8mm was a Kodak Brownie that was spring driven ( a good hard hand cranking would render 3.5 minutes of footage, but with no light sensitivity...so daylight or bright floodlight illumination was required to produce an image. the color reneders was really beautiful, but we wated a lot of film due to our inexperience with the light meter!

After our first film we graduated to Super 8 and the battery driven camera and light sensitive film stock ( we could shoot even by candlelight and still get a nice image on film) and we just took off then and filmed almost every weekend through the next four years...

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