Friday, October 4, 2013


These were two of the most outlandish Character Costumes we were commisioned to make.

The PARROT was done for a local boutique called fittingly enough "Parrot-Fi-Nalia". Again the tips of the wings conceiled fingered gloves. We almost went blind with all the wild colored fur and feathers on this one. It was seen in TV commercials and outdoor events for years around Wichita.

The PEACOCK was actually commissioned by the local NBC affiliate TV station and was used for their promotions and parades.  The tail was a wire frame with colored velour panals trimed in white maribou. This was not a favorite design of mine...I think I could have given it a bit more personality, but as I recall we had to deliver this costume in a hurry and we pretty much just went with itas it was.

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