Friday, October 18, 2013

Billy Club Puppets - Finished Puppets!

I only discovered these snapshots recently as I was going through my Dad's pictures...I had forgotten all about them...but I'm glad they survive, as you know I am not very good at recording my work.

Here I am with the Rosita & Don Christobita Puppets just after they were finished and ready to be used in the show. Yes, I AM wearing a t-shirt with a cookoo-clock on it. My design sense and my personal style have never met.

The last pic shows all the puppets from the BILLY CLUB PUPPETS in probably the only shot of them all together. If you scroll back to my original sketches for these characters you will see that I hewed very close to my first designs with all of them.

Tomarrow, the promised photos from the actual production showing the set design and the puppets in performance.

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