Thursday, October 10, 2013

Tales from the Arabian Nights - Etc...

I found these two pictures in my files. At the top is a publicity shot of GARY CUNNINGHAM as SINBAD with the SEA SERPENT Shadow Puppet that was used as background on the screen during that segment of the show. The SERPENT is made entirely from stiff plastic sheet, about four feet long and hand tinted with stained glass paint ( easily found at any craft outlet today, but not so easy to get back then...I think I found 5 colors and all highly toxic!). Three rods and two puppeteers were required to make the SERPENT gyrate around the shadow screen as if swimming in the sea.

The lower photo is of   MYSELF  in my makeup for the EVIL MAGICIAN from the Alladin segment of the show. I don't think I ever wore more makeup in any show! The Wig and Headress with beads are all one piece, held in place by an elastic chin strap. Nose of Latex, spirit gummed on, Ugh! And a fake beard that I had used and kept since my Casa Manana days a decade before! The rest is painted on. Pretty impressive even by today's standards. I always seemed to be the first person into the dressing rooms and the Last One Out!

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