Friday, October 18, 2013

Billy Club Puppets - Sketches

In going through my file on  THE BILLY-CLUB PUPPETS I found these additional drawings and sketches.

LA HORA was a singing puppet who appeared inside a clock. Her upper body was a puppet that rested against her lower body which was fixed inside the clock...the doors opened and she sang her song.

Aside from the main character's alter-ego puppets, 8 other's were called for in the script. Here is my basic sketch for them all. Quakeboots was the main one as he was the proprieter of the Tavern where much of the action took place. Two Smugglers were joined by two actors as smugglers to make four. The aformentioned long-suffering Servant of Don Christobita and a Young Lad, a Belle (Prostitute) and a Street Urchin rounded out the cast.

A sketch I did for the poster to adverstise the show, which I believe was also used for the program art, and a list of the puppets required and some of the materials I would need.

I built all the puppets in Wichita, Kansas where I lived then and brought them down to Fort Worth, un-costumed. I wanted to replicate and immulate the actor's costumes being created by DIANE SIMONS, and so I waited to do the final costuming until I was on site.

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