Wednesday, October 30, 2013


The last turn actually took the visitors out of the carport and up onto the front porch of the house...

...where this fellow was waiting for them. The Coffin opens with a creaking noise and the pasty green Vampire with stake through his heart slowly rises up..... EEEEEKKKKK!

The lucky survivors scamper out through the "Cemetary" to receive their rewards...TREATS!!

[ How did I manage to cram all of this into my 10' x 20' carport, you may ask? With my usual scenic efficiency. The flats used for the walls of the corridors were only 3/4" thick, so it was posible to arrange them to make one long twisting corridor with the painted cardboard panels on springs to open and close the way. I was sitting on a small platform 4' high in the very center of it all so that I could see over the tops of the flats, using small mirrors for the spots I couldn't quite see, and there I flipped light switches and pulled cords which controlled all the figures and the action. A friend in costume would open the door and lock it again and then follow the "Visitors from behind to make sure they made it through alive!]

I used to start on the HOUSE  in the summer, working all the logistics out well in advance. I began setting the insides up a few days before Halloween, with the outside parts going up on that day.

It was a lot of work and a LOT of Fun. I never advertised, but carloads of folks whould show up before we finally shut it all down before midnight. I kept this up for about 8 years until I couldn't physically do it anymore.

I still miss doing it every year.


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