Friday, October 4, 2013


These are two of the costumes we designed and built for a local theatrical production of BABES IN TOYLAND. We built over 30 individual costumes for this show, both Characters like the DRAGON and TEDDY BEAR as well as standard stage costumes for the human characters.

This commisuion came from a young man ( who shall remain nameless here) whom we had worked with as a high schooler in the TROTTER BROTHERS PRODUCTIONS. Now in college, he fancied himself a Producer and lined up local business funding to mount this adaption of the classic children's musical for chistmas. as he laid the whole thing out it looked like a solid production.

We accepted the job for 1/3 of our fee up front...this barely covered the cost of materials, but we stood to make a tidy profit once the show was presented and the remaining 2/3 was delivered by a set date.

A word to the wise:  DON"T EVER DO THIS! We were gambling and we lost!

The "Producer" eventually over-sold the show and it Flopped...We never saw another dime! This is the only time I have ever been involved in a lawsuit to regain payment for work I have done, but all we managed to get back were the costumes we had created. We did recoup some of our investment by selling these to the Costume Rental Store we had done business with previously, but we took an enormous  loss on the whole venture and, sadly this led to our little company having to fold after only a few years...

Live and Learn.....I left Wichita not long after this and returned to Fort Worth and the HIP POCKET THEATRE, so all was not lost....

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