Friday, October 18, 2013

BIlly Club Puppets - The Puppets

The two main characters of Garcia Lorca's  THE BILLY-CLUB PUPPETS are Don Christobita, a Punch-like figure...and Rosita the young object of his..."attentions".

I designed the puppets early in the year, and later ammended the designs to more accurately resemble the actors playing the parts. The basic look stayed the same.

Celastic, my material of choice for durability was too expensive for this no budget commission, so I devised a method of sculpting the puppet's heads from styrofoam which was then covered in wool felt glued and stretched tightly over the head. When dried this was given several coats of gesso, sanding between coats ( and adding details such as noses, ears and lips of foam and plastic wood in between coats...) The resulting heads were virtually indestructable, and still very lightweight.

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