Tuesday, January 28, 2014


WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE  was the first production at the HIP POCKET THEATRE  which I completely Designed and Directed. It was not wholly successful on an artistic level ( I wish my staging could have been more effective) but I was very proud of the script itself which I adapted from the 1951 film script AND the original 1928 novel. This production also boasted a Dream Cast led by veterans DICK HARRIS & PEGGY BOTT. Everyone involved worked incredibly hard to put my play over and the audiences responded enthusiastically at every performance. The "experiment" of totally involving the audience within the production really paid off here and we were able to use that same conceipt later on to even greater effect.

 I've always said that there were No Audiences like the HPT Audiences.... conditioned over the years to expect Anything from us  and very accepting of Everything we threw at them! The Willful Suspension of Dis-Belief, so essential to successful Theatre...really of any kind.

God Bless Them All!

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