Tuesday, January 28, 2014

WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE - Main Stage & Observatory Drawings

On the Main Stage I constructed an Observatory/Laboratory set as shown in the sketch above.

Surrounding the stage I suspended several large white panels of reflective material.

DENNIS RUNGE designed the lighting for this show which included "footlight" units hidden under each panel of fabric that could bath them in different colors of light and even shifting shades as the play progressed. Projections on the main Screen allowed us to expand the scope of the staged action, especially when views of outer space and the Colliding Planets were required.

Contrary to published reports at the time, I had planned a number of "Special Effects" to occur at set points within the play in a similar manner as our previous production of  THE WAR OF THE WORLDS.

 RIC SWAIN, who had handled those duties admirably in the first show, was to have produced them again in this production. Unfortunately his involvement in a car accident just after rehearsals began rendered him incapable and I wasn't able to find a suitable replacement for him.... so the tough decision to Not Re-Stage the action and just let the play speak for itself was made . Which surprisingly paid off...

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