Tuesday, January 28, 2014


The gist of  WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE is that a renagade Sun and it's orbiting (and Earth-Like) Planet are on a collision coarse with the Earth. Scientists try to determine how much time we have left, and figure out a way to construct a giant spacecraft or "Ark" to transport a select few to the New Planet so that mankind can survive the holocaust.

The construction of the Ark takes up the bulk of the play, culminating in the take-off and landing on the New World. To accomplish this on stage and also involve the audience in the process, I decided to use our existing light booth and the platform beside it ( both of which were technically "behind" the audience seating) as the base for the set of  WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE. During the play various panels and silver wing tarps were lowered or hoisted into position until the full spaceship was assembled.

 The technicians in the booth who were actually contolling the lighting and projections for the play, were costumed and acted as the "Technicians" in the story. All very organically staged, with much of the dialogue taking place in and around the Ark and the surrounding audience.

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