Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Skipping ahead a bit ( If you have been following this blog you already know that I post things as they come up in the massive files I've accumulated over the decades...... and as I scan them )
to 1985...
... and my production of  WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE.

Having successfully staged  H.G. WELLES'   THE WAR OF THE WORLDS in the late 1970's for the HPT  ( see the first posts to this blog if you haven't been following ) and having established the tradition of the HALLOWEEN SHOW, which was cemented when I returned to Fort Worth in 1984, and mounted the very successful  ABBOTT& COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN,

I was suddenly faced with the challenge of how to follow up when that time of year came around again. We needed something to finish off the year with a Bang. What better way than to
Destroy the Earth and travel to a New Planet......taking the audience along with us!

I pitched my adaptaion of the 1951 GEORGE PAL film which was based on the somewhat more graphic novel by BALMER & WYLIE from the 1920's. Purists are aware of the Nialistic Science Fiction writings of that period. The birth of  SCI - FI  which really began with  H.G.WELLES  in the 1890's  had been filled with a hopeful vision of the "Future".

Following WW I that vision darkened. I was always impressed with the 1950's film version and even more so when I at last read the source novel and my idea for a stage adaption formed. JOHNNY SIMONS understood at once and agreed to allowed me to stage  the story  as the last production of the season at the OAK ACRES AMPHITHEATRE in Sept.-Oct. 1985.

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