Friday, January 10, 2014

The EDGAR ALLAN POE Experience - The TELL TALE HEART final

I must admit, even though my own performance in  THE TELL-TALE HEART leaves somthing to be desired ( I do have those amazing "Eyes" which all film actors must possess in order for the camera to be in "Love" with you,   9/10ths of all film acting is through the Eyes)...our finished film is quite impressive even by today's standards.

Shot over 3 consecutive Saturdays, and on silent Super 8 mm film, with no budget and only a reel to reel taped "soundtrack" which we just barely completed prior to the first showing of the film, I think we aced this one. We all got an A at least for our efforts so.... well done!

We weren't quite through with Mr. POE just yet.......and that story spans another 30 years in all.....

Once again, if you would like to see this and the other films we made in high school + documentaries on the making and restoration of the films visit:

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