Monday, August 12, 2013


Here, also from the Dallas theatre display are two of my costume  designs from THE MANDRAKE, the Wallace Shawn translation which was the last production we were allowed to perform at the KIMBELL ART MUSEUM ( this Italian Farce, which I had recommended to Johnny Simons, was just a bit TOO earthy for the blue-haired crowd we played to there. It would have been better suited to our outdoor audience at Oak Acres, I think now...but...Oh, Well!)

This is the only production at HIP POCKET for which I designed both the Set & Costumes. I had done this successfully in Wichita with the Community Theatre there, but it is really hard to pull off when you have no crew to help you, or the "volunteer force" is sketchy at best. The Show looked and played well, though...but still not one of my favorite shows.

My concept was a Fellini-esque world where the then 80's inspired Nouveau riche costumed characters enacted their lusty plot against a ruined and decaying classical backdrop. This included BROTHER TIMOTHY, a sham of a priest in hand painted zebra striped tuxedo and boots and the mother MADAME SOSTRATA in faux tiger skin, with her poor daughter a sex kitten vision in pink maribou and angora.  Stylish if somewhat heavy-handed, but fun... and way over the heads of our audience...a serious miscalculation on my part.

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