Monday, August 26, 2013


And here is the same stage less than one month later. We did a show a month in those days, 11 productions a year during my time there in the 1980's, either UPSTAIRS AT THE WHITE ELEPHANT, at the KIMBELL MUSEUM, or in the summer out at OAK ACRES. It was a pretty amazing and creative time. I believe that our audiences really did not have a clue of what went into putting on one of these shows and perhaps that is what kept it so magical...for them!

You can see here that the center platform and all trace of the "House of Tarzan" are gone, as well as the lower area of audience seating, since Johnny wanted to utilize that space for performance. I scrounged all the furniture from the side of the road, as was my custom and completely repainted the entire space. The resulting set was centered around the mask streetlight which brought this more intimate show down among the spectators. I really loved this design. A lot of planning and work went into it, and the audience never sensed any of the artiface behind it, they just sat and let it flow over them...

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