Monday, August 26, 2013

In Watermelon Sugar 2

My sets sometimes resemble art installations because I like to add "texture" especially in the outer regions of the space which might not be used as main performing areas, but are there nonetheless for the audience to see and experience. In contrast i sometimes tend to understate the main acting spaces.

IN WATERMELON SUGAR takes place in a post apocolyptic time when humans have gone back to a simpler way of living and items of technology that crop up are foreign to them. It is a very "Hippie" mindset and the show plays out in that way. The comfortable old relics which adorn the walls and main stage area reflect this in the upper photo. In the lower shot, the main characters "House" is spartan and simple as befits his personality. This ramp which sprang up sometime in the 1985 season leads to a small platform built next to the existing light booth structure. We used this space repeatedly as the actor to audience dymanic was heightened by the energy generated there.

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