Monday, August 26, 2013

Oak Acres 4

Here at the top is the stage left platform and the staris leading down from the cetral platform "House". You can see the sand dune I built there in the corner. Following around we move up into the stage left audience seating and the platform built up in the audience which represented the "Oodles O' Noodles" offices. One of our trademarkes as a theatre company was the intimate inclusion of the audience in the production whenever possible. You could expect to be touched, fondled or manhandled at some point by someone in the cast at almost any HIP POCKET THREATRE show. PAT DIAS was largely responsible for the carpentry involved in raising our precious audience up out of the quagmire that was Oak Acres. Every year I remember him coming out in the spring, surveying the damages and with a huge sigh getting to work to fix everything. He was also a fine actor and I tried to use him in everthing I did out there. His "Nutty Professor" take on Professor Stevens in A&C MEET FRANKENSTEIN may well have been his finest hour on the stage!

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