Saturday, August 3, 2013

FREAKS Blueprints

...The "secret" of staging in such a small area was the use of altered scale, especially in the handling of the two Circus Wagon units required by the action of FREAKS. Here are the original blueprints with dimensions and photos of the wagon units as they appeared in the production.

I used 3/4 scale for everything incorporated in these two units. Basically every square foot
 (12" X 12") of space was represented by  8" X 8" instead, thus reducing the amount of area needed. The Wagons were only "suggested" with the actors and puppets working on, behind and in front of them, thus allowing the audience to "fill-in-the-blanks" so to speak so we could stage the show with the full cast required.

When not in use these units rolled back and nestled behind the drapes on either side of the stage. The unit on the right was in reality only a half-platform, rolling out and joining with the stationary unit which remained onstage throughout the show ( you can see the join in the photo). This unit was Cleopatra's Wagon. The left unit doubled as both Hercules' Wagon in Act One and Han's Wagon in Act Two with some simple re-dressing. This wagon unit, sans the back piece was rolled out and joined with the stationary unit for the big Wedding Banquet scene which climaxed Act One.

And that is how you pull off a gigantic show in a very tiny space.

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