Monday, August 12, 2013


I just found these photos from a display of theatre costumes and set designs which was held in conjuction with a conference of some sort in Dallas, I believe in the early part of 1987.

Here are two very nice shots of the HANS & FRIEDA puppets from FREAKS, along with FREDDY the SEAL which belonged to Lorca Simons' character of VENUS in the Play.

The Fabulous CLEOPATRA, QUEEN OF THE AIR costume was designed and built by DIANE SIMONS, as were all of our costumes in those days. But Oh how DENA BRINKLEY did fill it out!

I remember this and at least two other instances where we took costumes and props to display over in Dallas, where they did not have such things of course....One time was in Bloomingdales of all places with these outlandish outfits atop the platforms over the cosmetics counters and jewelry cases...Talk about swine among the Pigs!

HANS & FRIEDA look pretty good here after their star turn in FREAKS and some storage time. Sadly these foam rubber creations tend to disintegrate fairly soon after the are used...

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