Monday, August 26, 2013

Oak Acres 3

At the top is a detail of the lower part of the central platform built in 1984. We used it and the various attachments in 1985 and through this production in late summer 1986. We took the platform down before the next production of IN WATERMELON SUGAR which finished the 1986 season. The Knarled "Trees" that support this house were left over from the season opening show PETER PAN. The sign "This is the House of Tarzan the Killer" hanging at center was the original used at Highway 80 in 1977 for the production of TARZAN OF THE APES. JOHNNY SIMONS and I were ( still are I guess) HUGE Tarzan fans; the original Burroughs, the Comic Books and the Hollywood versions, too.

The bottom shot shows the "House" in all it's sunlit glory. If you would like to watch the production under proper stage lighting it is available on YouTube at

For the second show of this season ON BEAST BEACH, a parody of the Beach Party movies, I imported several yards of real sand for the actors to cavort in. I used this to create areas at center stage and on the right and left for OLD BOY and OLD CHEETAH ( Me) to play in during OLD TARZAN. I had a helluva time "removing" the sand before the next, non jungle show. It's probably still out there under the stage somewhere.....

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