Monday, September 23, 2013


This is the same newly constucted platform stage UPSTAIRS AT THE WHITE ELEPHANT in North Fort Worth, Texas. Since NOVA'S SHADY GROVE required a small live band on stage and featured dance and actors...and since no entrances or exits were required behind the set as had been for LUCY & DESI, I was able to push the "walls" of the set all the way back to the actual walls of the room. This allowed us to utilize every inch of the stage, which was still a pretty tight fit.

The band,  DOUGLAS & SYLVIA BALENTINE  and  PRESTON DUNLAP  had their own space in the far upstage corner on an elevated platform which also served as the "Bar" area and had room for the Vocal Singers PEGGY BOTT and SUSAN NEELY ( but not quite enough for poor DICK HARRIS, who drifted around in the background and only came to the mike to sing when his voice was required).

The "Pier" in the foreground was actually left over from ADVENTURES WITH JUNE & SCOTTY in 1985, and re-purposed for this production. The ramp led up into the center aisle of the audience and served as GOATMAN ROY'S pathway to Heaven at the end of Act One.

[ my groundplans were always done in large scale ( this one is 24" square on paper) so this is a scanned 'mosaic" from the original drawing ]

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