Tuesday, September 17, 2013

LUCY & DESI Show Color vs Black & White

LUCY & DESI vs THE KILLER SHREWS was a play in two acts. Act One comprised a run-through of what was supposed to be that evenings live TV broadcast. The audience is introduced to the characters and the plot ( such as it was...) and the individual character tics for each of the four; LUCY, DESI, ETHEL and FRED were revealed as they would be magnified in Act Two.

For this Act the set was seen as unfinished ( notice the turned around flat behind DENA BRINKLEY as LUCY in the top photo. Also the cast were costumed in full color fashions of the 1950's here as thier everyday strret attire.

PEGGY BOTT as ETHEL in the lower photo shows how the second act looked. Presented as the actual Black & White TV broadcast, the actors were dressed all in B&W and used a lighter makeup. As the "Show" begins everything is running normally for TVLand, but as the real Killer Shrews take over, the broadcast falls apart and the actors are picked off in spectacular fashion.

Incidentally, the "Shrews" were represented only by their Tails...long red, furry and glittery glove puppets which could snake in and out of the doors, windows, fireplace...and most hysterically...the Kitchen Sink!

 Effectively the only bits of color in the all B&W world of the TV Show.

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