Monday, September 30, 2013

Lost Puppet Designs 2

MARCO MARS was a Character Costume we were commisioned to create for STORYTOWN USA in Allentown, New York. We were trying to branch out from pure marionette reviews to include Magic Shows in the offerings as well, but with the magic being performed by a fully costumed character rather than a traditional magician ( this meant that as many as four teenagers could be trained to do the show, just like the puppet reviews, without the need to costume each individually).

I drew the initial sketch and rendererd it in color as part of the proposal package...which was eventually rejected because the cost of the actual illusions ( about $1000 a piece) was prohibitive.

Any resemblence to the MAGICMAKER Character from my show JACK AND THE BEANSTALK the year before was purely was a good design and i saw a way to expand on it.

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