Monday, September 2, 2013


I styled the JACK & THE BEANSTALK puppets with vaguely Russian costumes. I'm not remembering why exactly, except that I may have wished to separate this shows look from the previous one somehow.

The MAGICMAKER character, seen here with JACK was both the Narrator of the play and the chief instigator of the plot. It was HIS castle in the clouds which the GIANT had stolen. HE sells JACK the magic beans which grow the Beanstalk, etc. This was not only a colorful character, but he was fashioned entirely from Fluorescent materials. During key scenes he would be shown flying with the aide of a Magic Umbrella, and tho sequences were lit entirely by Black-Light.

In the second photo is BETTY LEHNUS, who built this show with me for the TROTTER BROTHERS. Betty is an accomplished puppet builder in her own right, claiming that she learned from us at the studio, but her talent comes from within. Some have it and some don't. I was grateful for her assistance and ideas and encouragement.

Some years later She and I started our own costuming business building Mascot costumes for schools and businesses, and costuming childrens theatre productions... and the PUNCH & JUDY puppets I've posted about earlier.

More about that business in later posts...

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