Monday, September 30, 2013

Lost Puppet Designs 1970's

As I have mentioned before, most of my professional work as a Puppet Designer remained with the companies I worked for ( contractually "owned" by them in fact ) and so is lost to me forever.

However...I have found a file ( not a digital file mind you...and actual file folder! ) with some original sketches and renderings I did back in the 1970's which I had forgotten about completely.

Here is a sketch for a marionette of  DOLLY PARTON I created for a Country Western Review that was ordered for one of our amusement park clients back then. Dolly was 36 " tall and carved from wood with Celastic Head ( Celastic is no longer on the market due to the various illnesses it has spawned... and I used the stuff for YEARS! ).

Anyway, I remember we had a hard time getting Dolly's Breasts just right until I hit on the idea of filling two plastic LEGGS pantyhose containers ( Remember THOSE? ) with plaster of paris about a third of the way and then attaching them to Her upper torso with heavy duty springs! She started out singing her number normally( to a real tape of DOLLY of course ) ...but when the song got Hot she started to bounce and all the dad's who had accompanied their kids into the show suddenly sat up and took notice!

Good Clean Family Fun!

I wish I had a decent photo of this marionette as her costume was gold lame with over a hundred
hand-set rhinestones ( DOLLY herself would have worn it!).

The  MINNIE PEARL  and  GRANDPA JONES  marionettes in the picture with DOLLY were created by RAY MOORE of Atlanta, whose praises I've sung before here. Really a Master PuppetMaker!

The right side of the photo ( from a brochure we used to get clients back then) shows the Raggedy Ann & Andy Polkla Puppets from SANTA'S MAGIC CIRCUS, our Christmas Touring Show. These puppets were strung on a tandem controller so that they could dance together with only one operator ( there were 4 sets of these filling the stage). Raggedy Andy could actually be made to "Lift" Raggedy Ann up in the air in a spin which the audiences loved.

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