Saturday, March 22, 2014


 Here is a shot of Ann-Marie Rogers, Randy Jones and Stan Graham. Randy and Stan actually Looked like brothers which greatly enhanced their scenes together. ( I had played the brother's role in the CASA MANANA PLAYHOUSE production a decade earlier in Fort Worth).
This plan for the Jail House "accessories" is more important than it looks. The two cots were stationary and simple enough, but the Locker unit had to serve several purposes during the play. Aside from it's utilitarian use, it also was employed as a Coffin at one point and as the Boat which Thoreau and his brother take out onto Walden Pond on their last day together. As you can see, this simple prop had to be built very carefully and sturdily so that it could stand up to the many uses it served.

This was an important design assignment for me. I had proved that I could produce both costumes and settings for experimental plays and Main Stage works, and this play cemented my position. I was the  Designer for all the Wichita Community Theatre productions for the next three Seasons.

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