Friday, March 21, 2014


The stage was divided into three main acting areas of which this central raked platform saw the most activity. If you wish to make an impression upon your audience in a steeply set auditorium, use a raked ( slanted downstage ) platform. The rake (6 degrees is generally considered sufficient) seems to "project" the actors out toward the audience in some mystical way known only to the ancient ones.

The upper part of the platform represented the Jail in which Thoreau spent his night. From there began the spiraling painted pattern which continued down onto the groundcloth and up by means of scenic projection onto the cyclorama which hung behind the main stage.
 As Thoreau ventured beyond his "Cell" the flashback action of the play followed this spiral path which led to the acting areas downstage, and at the right and left of the stage. In other words, as the actor walked and talked, he was confronted with scenes from his past along this spiraling watery way.

( The actors seen here are:  Stan Graham  as  Thoreau,  Randall Parker  as  Bailey,  and Stan Foster  as Sam.  Stan was also our theatre carpenter. I don't think there was anything he couldn't build. When I showed him how to make realistic looking bamboo columns out of carpet tubes and canvas for MY THREE ANGELS, he and I were mates for life. I can't tell you how many times in the years after this that I would have killed to have him working with me again.)

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