Wednesday, April 9, 2014


 As usual, I have no photos from this show. Above is a publicity shot of DICK HARRIS, JIMMY JOE STEENBERGEN and Myself as the 3 Cuckolds.
 Here is a frame grab from a Public television promo for the show. This is the only view of the raked stage setup I've posted about earlier. The lecture hall at the KIMBELL MUSEUM is a very narrow, white walled space, not well suited to theatrical performance. This stage which seemed to "project' the actores up and toward the audience seemed to work best for us there. At the left is the musical ensemble SUNGARDEN, who provided background music and sounds for several of our shows. At center is our Artistic Director JOHNNY SIMONS. You can also see the "Tongues" draping down behind the masks of the main characters.
 The entire cast during the production. The raked stage offered many opportunities for staging at different levels within the same space. It takes some practice to work on a surface which pitches you forward constantly, but after awhile you become quite adept at the use of the space.
Somewhere in the universe a filmed version of this production exists, although I have never seen it.
When the Kimbell run ended, we transported the entire set and cast to the then newly built multi-media lab on the TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY campus. There we spent one long night enacting the show for the cameras under studio lighting...stopping and starting just as is done in shooting  a film to get different angles on the action.

The resulting professional video was to have been pitched to PBS for airing locally and hopefully nationally as well. The whole thing somehow fell through and I still don't know what happened to that tape of the show. It would be very interesting to see, if it ever surfaces again.

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