Thursday, April 24, 2014


Here are a few more frame grabs from the video of KEROUAC, showing the use of slides and banners as backdrop for the various vignettes of monologue and dialogue.
 The big backdrop seen behind Me ( yes that's me with John Murphy during the show),is supposed to be a brick wall with "Kerouac" grafitti, and was created for the publicity photo shoot done about a month prior to the production. Here I used it as both a backdrop and a way to conceal the actor's dressing area just off stage.
 I love the juxtaposition of the slide of Kerouac standing before a neon sign, and John Murphy portraying him in front of my banner with the neon "Beatific slogan". Totally unintentional, and yet so perfectly apt.

This was a limited engagement running only two weekends, although it was popular enough to have been a month long run. The Hip Pocket Theatre was evolving in the mid-eighties after a decade of producing cutting edge shows and classic plays with that "Hip Pocket" touch that many found irresistible back then.

Things have changed a great deal since those days, and not really for the better in this age of mass celebrity worship and faux "Reality".

I've had a great deal of fun producing this blog for the last year and I'm grateful to those of you who have tuned in and followed along. I'll be suspending my posts for the summer, not due to lack of material...there is Tons more...but I will be focusing on the production of my third book on the art of Puppetry during this season ( it should have come out this summer, but the recession finally hit out here in New Mexico last year and I am only now able to resume my work on it, with a hopeful release date of September 2014). In order to produce a text which I feel is publishable takes an enormous amount of effort ( the last two each took two years to produce, and are selling well).

So I will not be keeping up my usual pace here...however, there are a number of "Miscellaneous" little items which will be posted from time to time during the lull, so don't give up following...

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