Saturday, April 12, 2014


To save money, STAN FOSTER as Carpenter and I as Designer "re-purposed" sections of the set from  SLEUTH produced  the previous season. One new set piece was the scaled representation of the Facade of the Supreme Court Building which dominated the upstage area of the set. I modeled it after the actual facade (seen above), but greatly simplified, of course.

The structure was a molded but fairly light-weight frame which was backed with stretched theatrical scenic fabric ( a loose-weave sort of guaze that can hold paint ). Onto this I outlined and painted in faux relief the pediment figures sketched out above as well as the lettering for "EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW".

The four "Columns" which appeared to support this Facade were made by pleating and stapling the same guaze material around circles of plywood at top and bottom ( slightly larger at the bottom to create the column shape). All of this was hung from the 4th grid at the upstage center and when lit properly, created an effective image of imposing structure while also being somewhat transparent and etherial.

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