Sunday, December 22, 2013


The production of THE SECOND SHEPHERD'S PLAY  at the  KIMBELL ART MUSEUM  was an all around success and one of the shows I'm most proud to have been associated with. The Program above bears the names of many of the talented people I've had the privilege to work with and Perry Stewart's glowing review always makes me smile when I read it again after all these years.

This truly was a perfect Christmas production.

And now my thanks to those of you who have been kind enough to follow my little blog this year. As I place these memories online and then gently fold them and put them away for good, it warms my heart that perhaps someone out there will find my work interesting and maybe even enlightening on some level. It has always been all about the Audience for me. I'll be back in the New Year with more musings and some new posts, for there is so much more to share....

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