Saturday, December 21, 2013


 As per my usual, I have no photographs taken during the production of THE SECOND SHEPHERD'S PLAY. These video screen captures will have to suffice. Above is the set showing the raked stage platform and the "Wagon" which the actors assembled before the audience's eyes as the play opened.
 The ANGEL puppet rising up above the wagon to proclaim in song the birth of the Messiah.
 Here the wagon curtains are pulled back and the Shepherds confront Mac, his Wife and their "baby", the stolen sheep.
And the truly memorable finale in which the band SUNGARDEN enact the Nativity before the assembled Shepherds. You can't create a moment like this, it just happens and so happens as to be unforgettably beautiful.

If you would like to see some scenes from this production the video is posted on YouTube:

is the link to this and other scenes and shows which I designed and appeared in.

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