Tuesday, November 19, 2013


This was all I could find relating to my set design for THE PUPPETMASTER. Since the play took place backstage in a theatre at night, I simply created two revolving units which represented some flats and scenic pieces as if they were in storage, along with a couple of ornate trunks from which the props and costume pieces used in the play could be produced. The "backdrop" was the actual backwall of the Caravan of Dreams stage with the existing staircase leading up into the flies above.

During the "Dream Sequence" involving the puppetry these units were quickly moved offstage and the existing black backing curtains were drawn across the wall in back creating a completely black background for the black-clad puppeteers to create the magic against unseen.

The photo was taken for publicity in the warehouse I used to build the shows in 1987. It was owned by a HIP POCKET THEATRE board member who allowed me to use it rent free during that year and into 1988. I remember it was located down underneath the Lancaster Street bridge along the Trinity River across from Forest Park and it was large enough to not only construct the sets and puppets but to even allow rehearsal space for the actors. I also remember that it was Unheated!

The lower page shows my notes for units needed and supplies for constucting the puppets.

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