Monday, November 25, 2013

Back to THE PUPPETMASTER - Sketches and a Pattern

An ominous Lady in White floated through the puppet sequence ( I can honestly say I have no idea why, but She was pretty and sparkly) operatede by two puppeteers; one for head and right hand and on for left hand. Slightly larger than Life Size. I found this brown kraft paper pattern for her hands, the only surviving pattern from the making of the 25 puppets in this show. I'm sure I kept the others, but they were probably swept out when the warehouse we were "borrowing" was sold and torn down some time later. Why I decidied to keep this one is another mystery that will never be solved.

The lower sketch is for a little Theatre Procenium Puppet, again made of foam which "walked" forward on the stage, opened it's Curtain to reveal  another puppet which emerged from within.
It was a Dream sequence after all! I only created the puppets and staged the sequence...I had no hand in it's writing.

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