Thursday, November 21, 2013

SIMONS & BALENTINE - KickStarter Project

I interrupt my regularly Scheduled Blogging to Shamlessly Plug my Friend  BRUCE BALENTINE'S effort to fund the restoration of Audio & Video of his Late Brother  DOUGLAS BALENTINE'S music and performance work. Most of which was a collaboration with JOHNNY SIMONS in the 1970's and 1980's when I was involved with the HIP POCKET THEATRE, their joint creation.

The KickStarter site is :

I took the picture seen above in 1973 when I first met and worked with these two incredibly talented men. The hours and hours spent with them striving to make each production a work of art carved my life into what it would become and enlightened hundreds and thousands of people who were lucky enough to view their original works. Now it may be possible for everyone else to experience this as well.
for a taste of what might be if this project succeeds go to:

My personal favorite of the SIMONS & BALENTINE shows is OLD TARZAN. If you like what you see and hear there then please consider making a donation for restoration.

Thank you for reading through this Shameless Plug. I offer it with True Love for those who Truly Loved the work we did in those days.

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