Monday, November 18, 2013

THE PUPPETMASTER - Caravan of Dreams - 1987

I've found a file of miscellanious sketches and patterns I created for this production. I have mixed feelings about the work I did here. One one hand it will probably be the one show that is mentioned in my Obituary, some (hopefully distant) day...on the other hand I did not want to do it and to feed publicity for the HIP POCKET THEATRE where I was doing groundbreaking work, I reluctantly agreed to create the sets and the 25 minute all puppetry sequence that this very thin production was built around. Did I mention that I was given a Budget? One of the only times in those days that I had any money to work with. What I could have done with that funding on other, much better productions! This is the sad ying and yang of producing "alternative" theatre.

Not to be totally glum about THE PUPPETMASTER, for that 25 minutes was a sublime experience of which I am frequently reminded by those fortunate enough to get tickets to the sold out event. I took everything I knew about showmanship and crammed it into that "Fantasy Dream Sequence" and audiences came away amazed and enchanted, which is all we theatre people can ever hope to achieve.

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