Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Magic Table!

 The Magic Table is now being constructed in my little workshop for transport to Fort Worth, Texas and the Hip Pocket Theatre this August for my production of  "LILI".

Above is my sketch work for the frame and covering of the Magic Table. This is the central prop in the Magicians' act which is the centerpiece scene of the first part of "LILI". All of the magic performed will be done by puppeteers in black against a black Magic Curtain ( more about that is coming up!)

This simple framework houses an ingenious little device ( which I will NOT show you as that would spoil the surprise!) allowing items to magically appear and disappear as the Magician gestures. It's pretty neat, actually.
The real work on this set piece is being done now: the Table Cloth...I will post my progress on that in the next few days....

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