Friday, February 28, 2014

Waiting For The Parade - program

I wish I had photos from this production ( I didn't personally own a camera back then...seems kinda quaint now, huh?). It was every bit as good, if not better than some of our Main-Stage shows. The cast really rose to the occasion and so many very talented people helped us to mount the play and make it the small success that it was.

Workshop productions in those days were considered "experimental" and not held on a par with the Main-Stage works. I remember that  MARY JANE TEALL,  the Artistic Director for WCT at the time told me the production "Had some good things in it...". I begged to differ with her then, and God rest her soul...I still do.

  I really feel that I helped start a tradition of using that space for the type of A-List shows which I for one knew it could support. This is another reason why I am so glad to see the current WCT making such inovative use of a building which I always felt very much at home in as an artist and an actor.

Although I was excited to be moving on back in 1984, I really did feel that I would miss working at WCT. The Theatre and that Company of wonderful professional people will always hold a warm place in my heart.

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