Wednesday, October 30, 2019

An experiment for Black Box Theatre. Unit set design for The Mercury Theater DRACULA. Play based on the Orson Welles radio broadcast script adapted by Welles and John Houseman, expanded for the stage with additional dialogue by James Maynard. Set and Costume Design by James Maynard.
A closer view of the unit set. The background cyclorama can be lit with projections to indicate time and location. Practical table lamp and column lanterns used to effect mood changes

Down angle (above audience level). Actors enter upstage from behind the columns, Right and Left around the curtains or from upstage Right or Left from behind black side wings.
The various levels are independently lit when required.

"House Lights" view of model set design. Scale 1/2 inch = 1 foot..
This and any of my other designs are free to copy by any interested theater company or designer.

Friday, October 5, 2018

The Wind in the Willows at Hip Pocket Theatre, September 2018

Some photos from the production of THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS at the Hip Pocket Theatre, Fort Worth, Texas this past September. 
The whole cast and crew did a phenominal job of pulling this show together under the direction of John Murphy. I was very happy with the result!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Still Alive and Working (sort of)

Yes, I am still living and working, so to speak. Although I am no longer physically able to do any actual construction or scenic painting. I have offered some design materials to the Hip Pocket Theatre for their production later this season of THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS by Kenneth Graham.

I've always loved this story and so it wasn't difficult for Director John Murphy to persuade me to do a few renderings for costumes and sets (see the posts below).

The interesting problem here was how to render the characters in terms of an adult production of the story. This will not be a children's theatre version, but more of a farce for general audiences. No masks or ears or fur pieces or special makeups will be used to define the "animal" appearance of each character. The WEASELS will act as all purpose scene shifters and take on the several secondary characters in the play simply by changing hats. John has done a delightful adaption of the book and I am sure that the show will be a success, even though I will have no other input into the production other than these initial ideas.

Set Design for THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS 2018

 Scale model of the setting for THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS HPT  2018
 Scale model for RAT'S Boat
 Scale model for TOAD'S CARAVAN
Flip side of the scale model CARAVAN serves as the TRAIN ENGINE ( with Caravan wheels removed)

Costume Designs for THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS 2018

10 Costume Design Renderings for THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS
 RAT on the riverbank
 MOLE on the riverbank
 RAT at Toad Hall
 MOLE at Toad Hall
 BADGER in the Wild Wood
 BADGER at Toad Hall
 TOAD at Toad Hall
 TOAD in disguise as a Washerwoman

Monday, July 31, 2017


IN WATERMELON SUGAR - Production Photos

And finally, here are some photos from my recent design work for IN WATERMELON SUGAR at The Hip Pocket Theatre. All photos taken by Robert Bourdage.

Set, Costume & Puppet Design by James Maynard.
Lighting Design by Nikki De Shea Smith.
Scenic Carpentry by Bob Bourdage.
Scenic Artist Sam Silva.
Costume Construction by Rebo Hill & Lauren Moreau.