Wednesday, October 30, 2019

An experiment for Black Box Theatre. Unit set design for The Mercury Theater DRACULA. Play based on the Orson Welles radio broadcast script adapted by Welles and John Houseman, expanded for the stage with additional dialogue by James Maynard. Set and Costume Design by James Maynard.
A closer view of the unit set. The background cyclorama can be lit with projections to indicate time and location. Practical table lamp and column lanterns used to effect mood changes

Down angle (above audience level). Actors enter upstage from behind the columns, Right and Left around the curtains or from upstage Right or Left from behind black side wings.
The various levels are independently lit when required.

"House Lights" view of model set design. Scale 1/2 inch = 1 foot..
This and any of my other designs are free to copy by any interested theater company or designer.