Thursday, January 26, 2017

Set Model for GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933 (unproduced)

Here are some photographs of a design I did for a stage version of this classic Warner Brothers movie. Sadly this was never produced, but I thought that the design might be of interest.
Two revolving set units on either side of the stage represent the backstage area of a Broadway theatre. The only physical props used are a rolling piano and two bentwood chairs. The low wall at center back acts as a puppeteer's bridge during the musical numbers and a slide screen positioned above the stage area presets stills and film clips as a background during scenes.
Here the revolving units are in place for the second musical number in the show. The design mimics a classic Animal Crackers box which the heroine is seen holding as the number begins. The set revolves during the number with the Monkey cage piece brought in for marionette monkeys used in the number. The two girls in blue are mimicking the polka dot clowns from the cracker box top. Projections from the 1930's cartoon version of PETTIN' IN THE PARK.
The finale musical number. Again the revolving units with swing out panels from the background. Projections of the Busby berkley overhead shots from the film on the screen above. Marionette "showgirls" fill out the chorus as the principles perform the number on stage.

I was particularly fond of this concept for a show but was unable to sell it to the artistic director of the theatre company I worked for at the time. Ah well.....